There is Hollywood royalty from Marceline. No. I’m not talking about Walt Disney. This person was born in Marceline and had a career in movies long before Walt, but they may have known each other. Her name was Marion Ainslee, a prolific Hollywood feature film writer.Not much is known about her personal life, but research […]
After the Hey Day of theater competition in Marceline during the 1930s, things changed a great deal. World War II made sure of that.1940s EraWorld War II had just started when Glen Dickinson’s partner, H. J. Griffith bought him out to become the sole owner of the Uptown Theatre in April 1940. Griffith updated the […]
MAKING HISTORY: Doris Akers, "Miss Gospel Music"Linn County has more entertainment royalty than one might realize. We all know of Walt Disney’s connection to the county, and earlier we discussed Marian Ainslee, the woman who wrote the title cards for more than 200 feature films, but did you know Linn County is also home to […]
In major cities, too often historic properties are razed to make way for “progress”. However, rehabbing a historic property is more cost-effective and fiscally better for the community than tearing it down and building a modern monstrosity.This time, I’m dispelling myths about historic preservation:Myth #1: “Preserving doesn’t do anything for the community. It just saves […]
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